Monday 17 January 2011

Last night!!!

So here we are, the night before I leave to Colombia for five and a half months.

Suppose I ought to quickly update you on what's been happening. Since my last post I have unicycled twelve miles across Wigan, organised and put on a Cabaret at the West Yorkshire Playhouse and we have brought our fund raising total up to 3'420!!! four hundred pounds over what we need. Cannot believe the generosity that people have been showing. And Hugo Rodallega who plays for Wigan Athletic (premier league I'll have you know) started off the ride, see pictures below.

There was a complete palavah attempting to get there on time. Everything that could have gone wrong that morning went wrong. We didnt know whether Hugo was going to be in Wigan until 9.40 on the morning of the ride. I got a friend of mine to cycle their bike to Leeds station for nine o clock, they slipped on ice and hurt themselves so were half an hour late. we found out that Hugo was going to be there two minutes before our train left, there was a mad dash to buy tickets and then carry a unicycle and a bike up an escalator to the other side of the station to get a train to Manchester. We got to manchester and ran and only just made it to our train to Bolton. Got to Bolton and fortunately had a little wait for our final train to Wigan. Got to Wigan at 11.45, we were meeting Hugo at 12. I threw Jenny Fitzpatrick, a beautiful beatiful human being who agreed to cycle along in the wet and the cold and take photo's, into a cab and rode the bike to the training ground. I got well and truly lost and a teeny bit stressed. I made it to the training ground five minutes late. Ran into where we were meeting and saw Jenny already there speaking to a south american man. He looks older than in his picture I thought, I ran over and said loudly and warmly "Hugo!" "This is Hugo's father" Jenny said very quickly. I don't know if he noticed and if he did he definitely didn't mind, he ended up showing Jenny all of his holiday photo's it was very funny.

It was a brilliant day though and Jenny was just fantastic, she kept my spirits up at all points, when I thought that there is no way that this can possibly continue her unwavering belief kept us both going. Even when the pedal fell off at about eight miles. To any rational human being a 10 mile unicycle ride with only one pedal is slightly impossible but Jenny didn't even flinch. With a quick makeshift fix with a piece of string we rode on past the ten mile mark and carried on back into town for another two miles. My bum was very very sore.

And the Cabaret was brilliant, we raised £785 in total!!!! How good is that! I worked so hard and it bloody paid off. However it would be a downright lie to say that I worked alone, I had so much help from so many and that is what made it so special. It was the generosity and the love that shone through and made it such a succesful night. I couldn't sound more cheesy and american if I tried, that last sentence was a bit disgusting.

Very excited, have everything ready and my bag packed down beside me. It all seems very very real. This time tomorrow I will be in Colombia. Flipping hell that is a mad thought.

Also in online check in I have reserved seats with extra leg room! yes!

Next post will be from Colombia, can't wait.

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