Monday 20 December 2010

Even more manic two weeks, barmy.

Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, just when you thought it couldn't get any more stressful.  It did.
Just when some semblance of normality crept up, when we all started to relax and enjoy doing the show, we all got the flu.  This week has been absolutely barmy.  We ended up having to cancel three shows, and do three others one man down.  I turned up one morning to find Ivan Stott, the man who can play any instrument, and who single-handedly drives most of the songs, lying unconscious on the sofa in the green room. He roused from his sleep just enough to say "I can't do the show".
We had half an hour to rework the show without him, and then it was on in front of 300 schoolchildren.  Bear in mind, the Princess had been throwing up solidly for two days, the bad uncle had started throwing up during the night and the genie had developed a fever that morning.  I really can't believe we got through it.  There were some ridiculous moments, but we definitely got through it.  There was a point where no one was on stage, and no one was doing anything about it so the genie jumped up in a state of pure delirium and started saying to the children “Who do you think is going to come on next? It's not Aladdin, and it's not his mother, who do you think it could be?” This went on for some time until the bad uncle was ready to go on, much to the genie's relief.

I'm writing this using a dictation software, it’s quite exciting.  I'm just talking and it's doing all the typing for me.  I feel like I'm in some futuristic film with Will Smith.

Colombia fundraising is all going very well.  Very well indeed.  I did the planned facebook blitz. Didn't quite raise the £400 mark I set myself.  No one's perfect. 
The cabaret at the Playhouse is looking to be really good.  Sarah Moyle, who plays Mrs Cratchit in Christmas Carol is proving to be a massive help in arranging it.  She sat me down last week and just blitzed the logistics.  Something I'm quite rubbish at so I was very grateful.  The acts are looking really good as well, I've got Scrooge telling a story, one of the ghosts doing the burlesque act, the ageing Dub foundation are going to sing “me pension song” and potentially the drummers from the Leeds Brazilian society. Who knew Leeds had a Brazilian society.  Going to try and get them involved definitely, they have a huge following so will fill the place. Also the director of Aladdin has agreed to dress up in a novelty costume and do a little number. If that doesnt fill the place I don't know what will. I’m going to try and get as many students along as possible just to try and make sure its full.
I've gone over the thousand pounds mark!  Very very excited.  I reckon if I start fundraising in and around the theatre I can definitely make £2000. It's just a matter of time and energy now. What with two shows every day from here till January 15, I just need to be super organised.  Not something I've ever been famous for, but there's never been a better time to learn.  And I tell you I am learning so much everyday.  If you are ever doing something of this kind my advice to you is talk to as many people about as you can, you’ll be amazed at people's generosity with their wisdom and their time.  Every person I’ve spoke to about it has helped me in one way or another. Just read back through and this it's littered with grammatical mistakes. Also my sentences are really weirdly formed because I’m talking in small chunks so the computer can understand me. That technology has foiled me again.

What other updates have there been. A Latin American bar in Leeds with a big brazilian following has agreed to support my cabaret and let me advertise there. Yes! Very exciting, quite a beautiful manager as well, always helps. Got quite lonely while I was ill, funny how illness affects you. Just felt like I was either sweating and coughing in my room or on stage being Aladdin, real cabin fever. Craved little catches of interaction with anybody. Feel sorry for really old people they must have that feeling non-stop. Think that’s everything, can’t wait till Christmas and hope on hope that my unicycle ride doesn’t get snowed or frosted off. Must think of a contingent plan. Possibly unicycling round the theatre or round a rehearsal room.

Also need to get onto press big time. Just need to start making phone calls and selling the story. Will go into work early and do that tomorrow. Boom! Say it’s gonna happen and do it. What an incredibly satisfying feeling.

Oh yeah also a journalist has really screwed me over, really let me down, dragged me along saying he will cover the story, I gave him an opportunity to pull out a while ago and he said no I’ll definitely do it, just pulled out on me yesterday. Coward. Ah well his loss, but now must find a journalist to cover it. Quick time.

Merry christmas

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