Sunday 5 December 2010

Manic Two Weeks

We have had tech week for Aladdin and are now up and running with press night on Tuesday. Exhausting and Exciting in equal measures. 

Several newspapers are interested in covering this story with one definite confirmed.

And I have a new goal system set up to make sure that in this limited time I achieve all I need.

It has been a massive learning curve. I never realised that in an experience like this the more people you include the more it seems to snowball..

One morning I was thinking to myself, what would be the best way of making sure that the time I have from here is spent in the most efficient way possible. On a whim I decided to air that question with a woman called Katie Matthews. And since then the whole thing has just taken off. She recommended I set some goals and write them down, and then sent my story on to a friend of hers who works for bbc radio yorkshire. Someone else overheard us talking and has since put me in touch with a freelance journalist who writes frequently for The Times and is now trying to get a story together. I was then recommended to speak to the press team at the theatre and she has been obsenely helpful!. She has got the Yorkshire Evening Post to cover the story and has set me up with an interview for Radio Leeds. Haha! It's amazing, I love it, be good to people and they will help you out.

So the publicity side is going well. Also have a couple of very exciting ideas in the pipeline.

A Facebook status blitz. I get as many of my close friends to post their status as " Everyone donate even just one pound, we are trying to raise 300 in one day"

Also a sponsorship wheel set up in the theatre for everyone in the building to record their support. Will speak to the lovely Paula from press on tuesday. This one is a bit vague at the moment but I think it will work nicely.

So all in all very exciting developments. Setting goals is a great great game. You simply write down a few simple things that you want to achieve and give them to somebody. You achieve them. Tell that person. It feels so good. Its pure motivation and it wouldn't feel like that if you just went away and did the things. There is something brilliant about having it written down and having somebody to share that achievement with, it just feels brilliant. I recommend it hugely.

So by the time I speak to you next I will have done press night, I will have started fund raising in and around the theatre, I will have hopefully raised lots and lots of money, I will have gotten my sister a birthday present and will have done lots and lots of Aladdins.


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